
Electric 8 Frame Tangential Extractor 240V/12V – Collection at The Beekeeping Show Telford

Our extractors are made from acid-proof stainless steel and fitted with an easy to use 10 speed electric control system. All extractors are fitted with a two part lid system with built in safety mechanism that stops the motor if the lid is opened whilst spinning. There is also an emergency stop button.

Product Code: A0069




£1,015.00 £1,195.00 inc. VAT

The base of the honey extractors are cone shaped allowing all of your extracted honey to drain out easily. No more tilting your extractor on its side to get the last drops out.


  • Will take 8 shallow or 4 deep frames of any size;
  • Acid-proof stainless steel drum, cage and valve;
  • 600 mm drum diameter;
  • 600 mm drum height;
  • Two perspex safety lids;
  • Safety cut-off mechanism;
  • Power supply 240V;
  • Motor 250W;
  • Rotational speed 480 rpm;
  • capacity 28 litres.