
Mini Plus National Hive Painted – Collection at The Beekeeping Show Telford

The mini plus National hive is the ideal solution for beekeepers looking for a versatile and functional hive for rearing queens or wintering small colonies. Thanks to its innovative modular frames, it allows them to be combined and transferred to a full-size brood box with a simple lock together design.  Alternatively it enables you to start your colony in your National hive brood box and transfer the brood frames to your mini plus National hive to continue queen rearing.

Manufactured to the same high standard as our best selling 12 frame hive using high density steam moulded polysterene, the mini plus National hive is a durable and practical option.

Consists of:

  • Roof
  • Feeder
  • Brood Box
  • Partition
  • Frame x 6 (flat pack – self assembly, foundation not included)
  • Floor

Existing Abelo Mating Hive brood boxes are compatible with the Mini Plus National Hive but please note the frames are not the same size.

£74.50 £85.00 inc. VAT

Mini Plus National Hive Features:

The hive’s four-sided roof effectively drains water and, thanks to its compatibility with the bottom board, allows the hives to be neatly stacked, saving space during storage.

The dual feeder enables two bee colonies to be fed simultaneously. This is useful especially during the period of intensive growth or winter feeding.

Innovative modular frames that allow one National brood frame to be assembled from two mini frames, easily combined and transferrable straight into your National Brood Box.

Giving you the option to raise two colonies simultaneously, allowing flexible space management.

A dual partitioned floor with two outlets, full closure and landing area provides comfort and safety for the bees.

An additional marking area for the easy hive numbering.

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