The 12 Frame National Hive Poly Eke has been specifically designed with fully interlocking plastic rebates. It measures 57mm in height which will allow adequate space for fondant or varroa treatments.
Used in conjunction with existing super boxes the design and specific measurements of the eke allow you to easily convert your supers to brood boxes.
£32.00 inc. VAT
Second quality cedar National Hive stand with legs.
Flat pack, screws included.
As an alternative to the existing mesh screen on our poly floor we have designed a robust wire screen made in the same way as our Queen Excluders. Bees and wasps are unable to pass through the 3.2mm gaps and this screen will fit all our National Poly Floors.
Dimensions 350mm x 340mm
A rest that hangs on the hive that you can put your frames on.
Second quality cedar National Hive stand with legs. Assembled.